
me1FashionTag was founded by Dana Cristina Straut as an oasis of creation & inspiration for all fashion & beauty things, a diary of spotting trends and street style looks, latest fashion crushes and occasional rantings about certain hot fashion topics.

She graduated fashion journalism at London College of Fashion and worked in editorial at a London fashion publication and is now focused on her fashion writer/editor career, hence her fashion writer contributor position at various publications and features in publications such as: Huffington Post, The Times UK, Flawless Magazine, Design Jewellery & Accessories Magazine, Fashion Studio Magazine, Bloggersmag etc.

To me fashion is a way of expressing ourselves, of experimenting with moods. Fashion is about letting yourself inspired by everything and anything around you: a favorite video, an artist, a painting, a certain  food, a city, a person, a song, a movie etc. It’s about feeling free and unafraid. Ultimately fashion is art – whether expressed in high couture on catwalks or in everyday life on the streets. 

Note: the images used on my blog do not belong to me and I hold no courtesy rights to any of them, unless stated otherwise. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog, for reading and following, hope you enjoy it and visit me again:)

xoxo Dana Cristina


50 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey,
    I contacted u on technorati, but still thought of contacting u on gmail.

    Nice blog, (don’t know praising n stuff),

    Would you like to exchange links of our sites?

    Thereby promoting each others blog on our respective blogs?

    After all, Everyone deserves lifestyle, and add to it a hint of variety.

    Do reply


    K Hari
    Owner (http://reflectionsofindia.com/)

    • Hi and sorry for the late reply! I just added the ‘Reflections of India’ link in the blogroll!

  2. Hi Kristina,

    Love your style on this blog! One of your readers has nominated you to be a fashion Advisor on ShopSquad (http://www.shopsquad.com/?vsrc=F1L2). We’ve just launched a free shopping advice website where shoppers can ask Advisors (i.e. you!) for fashion advice, and we believe that you would be a perfect fit.

    We designed ShopSquad specifically for bloggers–as a way to connect blogging product experts with shoppers/readers who need shopping advice. If you recommend clothing, accessories, or shoes that are purchased, you get a percentage of the sale. We know that you’re probably driving thousands of dollars of sales from your blog, and ShopSquad allows you to capture more of that value when you share your expertise and recommend the products you love to your readers through the ShopSquad platform.

    There are a number of specific ways to do that:

    1) We’ve designed wordpress (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/shopsquad/installation/) and blogger/blogspot widgets you can use to let your readers know that you’re available to provide shopping advice on ShopSquad. Shoppers can then request live advice if you’re logged in or leave a question you can answer at your leisure.

    2) You can “ShopTag” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh0Qv5-66Cc) a link to a product–this means using the ShopSquad platform to create a unique link to a product from one of our affiliate stores. You can then use this link in blog posts, tweets, Facebook, etc, and if any of your readers use that link to make a purchase, you get a commission!

    3) Host your very own QVC-type shows (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAXaYGvzo7c). Just let your readers know when you’ll be live on ShopSquad, and an unlimited number of them can tune in and watch you discuss your favorite products. If your viewers buy any of the products you’re recommending, you get commission!

    Check out the stores we have on board here(http://www.shopsquad.com/merchants?vsrc=F1L2), including Bloomingdale’s, Free People, ModCloth, Gap, Express, Reiss, Bonobos, and more. When you’re ready, sign up free at http://www.shopsquad.com.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog, Dana!
    I am inspired by yours, for certain! I am also in complete agreement with you- fashion is about letting yourself be inspired by everything and anything around you!!
    I will certainly visit again…

  4. I saw your vintage Chanel earrings and like them a lot. The pair that I am
    Interested in are black and gold.

    Can you tell me where you saw these, please?

    Many thanks,

    Lessley Hynson

    • thanks so much glor!!!! i so love it:) i’m like a child that just got a new toy right now lol:) xoxoxxo

  5. I am always happy when I find a blog wrote by a person with talent. Are so many useless fashion blogs on the web and is a joy when I find something beautiful to read.

    • Hi, yeah of course you can! just credit it and link it please to my blog. Loads of thanks!!!
      also one more thing, that article is not written by me, but by FashionTag’s contributor. Her name is: Ghintare Survilaite, so please credit it to her name. For other articles it’s my name, unless stated otherwise in the beginning of the post.
      Thanks 🙂 take care xx

  6. I really like how you’ve set up your blog…organizing by star style, street style, fashion week, etc. is a great idea. Excited to check out more! 🙂

  7. Hiya! I’ve just stumbled upon your blog and LOVING it!

    I’m currently stalking your archive and reading your old posts, followed and looking forward to more – I really like the way you write and all the hair and fashion porn is greatly appreciated.

    : )

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